If you live in South Texas in August, you can be sure of two things: it’s going to be hot and there are going to be bugs. We’ve rounded up a list of plants that help you defeat these issues.

Texas Sage

Commonly known as Texas sage, scarlet sage, or indian fire, this plant needs only partial shade and low water. Extra bonus: hummingbirds love its beautiful red blooms.


Whether you go with Egyptian or Spanish, you’re guaranteed to not need much water, making lavender a go-to for hot, dry states like ours.

Red Yucca

As an evergreen, red yucca is beautiful year-round. Its flowers appear in summer and reach up to 6’ in height. They are extremely drought-tolerant and are closely related to agaves. Another perk: these plans are deer resistant.


Good to go in sunny, hot conditions, citronella is believed to repel mosquitoes. Its distinct, citrusy smell is a bonus!


Who wouldn’t want those baby blue blooms in their yard? Plumbago attracts butterflies, is deer resistant, doesn’t need a lot of water, and is semi-evergreen.

Crape Myrtles

Bring on the sunshine because crape myrtles love getting those rays. There’s a reason you see these trees a lot in the southern United States; they thrive in full sun and low water.

Lemon Balm

Help keep those mosquitoes at bay with the beautiful lemon balm plant. With a low water requirement and ability to live in full sun, these plants will do great during drought.

During the hot, dry summer months in South Texas, conservation is key. Choosing exactly which plants will thrive in your yard, while also saving water, can be a mystery. That’s why SAWS has put together a database of trees, grasses, herbs, shrubs, and more that all do great in San Antonio. Search for even more drought-tolerant and bug-resistant plants on GardenStyleSA.