Dedication to innovation Everyone knows you’re supposed to keep water and technology far away from…
Water gadgets that save you money
With a little work, everyone can save water and money when it comes to managing water in their yard or home. These gadgets make it even easier to monitor the water used by you and your family, and in turn, will help conserve water for the entire city. The best part: you can be rewarded for making water-wise decisions in your home. Learn more about Watersaver Coupons and Rebates.

Watering Wand
A watering wand attaches to your hose and allows you to water directly on the root of your plant, avoiding unnecessary water waste that comes from evaporation, runoff or wind.

Hose End Timer
A hose end timer does just what you’d think it does — turns your hose off after a designated amount of time. Not only is this better for your plants as it prevents overwatering, but it saves water and money, too.

WaterSense Low-Flow Showerhead
Low-flow showerheads that include the WaterSense label can be up to 20 percent more efficient, without sacrificing water pressure. Replacing your water-wasting showerhead is easy, just follow these steps.

Rain Gauge
There are all types of rain gauges, but they all have one purpose: to let you know exactly how much rain there was. For the gardener, this information is valuable in ensuring you don’t overwater your plants.

Soaker Hose
Like the watering wand, a soaker hose gets the water right to where it matters: the roots. They are also a convenient way to maintain your garden beds. Be sure not to turn the water on too high — you only need a quarter turn of the faucet for it to do its job.

Rainfall Sensor
A rainfall sensor is mandatory on all irrigation systems. It automatically shuts off your sprinkler system if it’s raining or has just rained.

Invest in water conservation
Next time you’re doing some shopping for your home, consider investing in water-wise gadgets. We’ve created a handy shopping list for you to take with you to the store so you’re sure not to miss anything.